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Faisal Ashour

King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Saudi Arabia


Faisal Ashour has completed his bachelor’s degree in Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization Engineering in 2015 from Old Dominion University, USA along with an associate degree in Electrical Engineering and Engineering Management. He gained his fellowship in Medical Simulation from INCASL in 2016. He joined the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs-King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences-Jeddah in 2015 as a military and medical simulation engineer. The Personal Investigator for this research is Dr. Suliman Al-Ghamdi, MD, FRCPC. He is a Radiation Oncologist, and the head of Radiation Oncology at Princess Noorah Oncology Center. Dr. Suliman is also the deputy chairman of Princess Noorah Oncology Center and head of King Abdullah International Medical Research Center Jeddah (KAIMRC-J)


Abstract : Virtual Reality (VR) technology in the absence of general anesthesia during radiotherapy procedure for pediatric oncology patients